On 10th October 2024, we officially announced a groundbreaking partnership with Scaling Digital Agriculture Innovations through Start-ups (SAIS) implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) to launch the Climate Smart Agriculture Angel Investor Capacity Development (CAICD) program.

This initiative aims to:

  1. Enhance the angel investment ecosystem in Climate-Smart Agriculture
  2. Drive sustainable development, and:
  3. Foster impactful ventures across Africa.

Recognizing the urgent need for sustainable agricultural practices and technology integration in Africa, ABAN launched a sector-focused angel network dedicated to Climate Smart Agriculture in 2023.

This initiative was aimed to educate and support angel investors in identifying and nurturing startups that leverage technologies to enhance crop quality and quantity, optimize the agricultural value chain, reduce environmental impacts, and improve profitability for African farmers.

The CAICD program is designed to create a ripple effect in the agricultural sector by equipping emerging angel investors with specialized knowledge and skills.

By focusing on climate-smart technologies and practices, the program will:

– Address urgent environmental challenges and;

– Open new opportunities for economic growth and innovation. 

– Encompass venture showcases, which will serve as a dynamic platform for emerging start-ups to connect with angel investors, gain visibility, and secure crucial funding

This collaborative effort underscores our commitment to advancing sustainable agriculture and amplifying the impact of green investments on the continent, making a significant impact with its multi-faceted approach. Read our latest press release here for more details.

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